
Batteries May Soon Begin to Become Obsolete!

Posted by Kavin

Unconventional energy conversion systems are under development that tap the Zero Point Field, a never previously commercialized, renewable, abundant source of energy. These revolutionary new energy conversion devices are inherently cost-competitive. They can eventually power and make practical cars, trucks and buses that need no engines, banks of batteries, or any variety of fuel or battery recharge.
"It does not matter how beautiful your theory is,
it does not matter how smart you are.
If it does not agree with experiment, it's wrong."

Nobel Physicist Richard P. Feynman
One Proof-of-Concept prototype has been said to be analogous to the early work on the transistor, which eventually led to the creation of Silicon Valley.

Generators that convert Zero Point Energy are expected to provide sufficient power to demonstrate replacement of the plug needed by a plug-in hybrid car. This will be a harbinger of automobiles that need no conventional fuel or recharge. A prototype system is anticipated to replace an automobile engine. That goal might be achieved much more rapidly if development involves four teams of engineers and technicians working 24/7. The prototype will lead to mass production of an entirely new variety of automotive power plant.

Electric vehicles powered by these generators will breathe new life into auto manufacturing.

Skepticism is anticipated and understandable. However, Independent laboratory validation, Demonstration Devices and toys are included in the program.

Who will not want to own an electric car that never requires fuel or recharge? Car companies will see demand in excess of production capacity. A beacon of hope can be found here for the entire world economy.

The next step will be Vehicle to Grid (V2G) power sufficient to pay for many vehicles over a reasonable period of time. Today, prototype V2G systems are being prototyped that use a hefty two way plug. In one direction, the batteries are recharged. When suitably parked, a local utility can purchase power stored in the vehicles’ batteries. It has been estimated car owners might earn up to $4,000 per year from such payments.

Now imagine vehicles that need no batteries and can supply far more power - in some cases up to 150 kW. That is a power plant that can earn considerably more. And the connection to the utility will need no wires!

Who will not be interested in a car or truck that pays for itself and possible more! This technology can kick-start the economy and will provide a multitude of new jobs!


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